
What is a fancy word for sad?

Other words for sad

1. unhappy, despondent, disconsolate, discouraged, gloomy, downcast, downhearted, depressed, dejected, melancholy. See synonyms for sad on

What does it mean to feel sad?

feeling unhappy

These words refer to feeling unhappy or showing unhappiness or emotional pain. The most common word for this is sad. Sad is used to describe a feeling of lowness or unhappiness that comes usually because something bad has happened.

How do I stop being sad about the past?

How to let go of the past

  1. Make a commitment to let go. The first step toward letting go is realizing that it is necessary and feeling ready to do so. … 
  2. Feel the feelings. Memories of past events can bring up complex or strong emotions. … 
  3. Take responsibility. … 
  4. Practice mindfulness. … 
  5. Practice self-compassion.




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