

What food is served at Purtassi prayer?

Some of the items prepared can include payasam, sweet rice, vadas, woorandai and kozhu kattai for Naivedyam. Vegetarian meals can also be offered alongside these items. These items are arranged on a banana leaf which will be placed on the altar inside the house (or temple).

What religion is Purtassi?

PURTASSI is the month-long fasting obeisances, penances, devotion and prayer dedicated to Lord Mahavishnu or Perumalsamy, as He is referred to by the Tamil-speaking Hindus, or Venketeshvara, as He is popularly known to the Telugu-speaking community, or Mahavishnu, as He is called by most Hindus.

Can you eat eggs during Purtassi?

During the month of Purtassi we observe certain practices. These include : Not eating meat in any form eggs and fish included. No alcohol.

Why do Hindus fast in September?

It is believed that people who observe fast on this day, Lord Vishnu bless them with desired wish fulfillments. There will be two Ekadashi in the month of September. Aja Ekadashi and Parsva Ekadashi and these Ekadashi has a great significance among Hindus.




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